
Медицинский центр Рамбам


Рамбам, Израиль

Общая хирургия в организации Рамбам

Основные цены в US$, Последнее обновление: Apr 2, 2024.

  • Цены в других валютах пересчитаны по текущему курсу.
  • Цены могут изменяться без предварительного уведомления.
  • Для получения информации о текущих ценах, ограничениях, дополнительных сборах и т. д. обращайтесь к Рамбам.
Узкая специализация

Лапароскопическая хирургия

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Педиатрическая хирургия

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Процедуры Стоимость


25,500 - 28,000

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The Package Includes: Up to 10 days of hospitalization. operating room charges: recovery room, scrub & circulate nurse Routine laboratory tests necessary for the procedure as ordered by the attending physician Radiology Studies: Chest X-ray, if required Medications: Routine medication used for procedure and during admission only Equipment costs Medical Supplies Routine Surgery Supplies Doctor Fees Surgeon + Anesthesiologist + Assistant Surgeon (if necessary)

Удаление аппендицита

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Операция по удалению желчного пузыря

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Операция по удалению зоба

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Инфракрасная коагуляция геморроя

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Резиновая лента для лечения геморроя

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склерозирующая терапия

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Хирургическая резекция геморроя

6,250 - 7,250

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The Package Includes: Up to1 days of hospitalization. operating room charges: recovery room, scrub & circulate nurse Routine laboratory tests necessary for the procedure as ordered by the attending physician
Radiology Studies: Chest X-ray, if required Medications: Routine medication used for procedure and during admission only
Equipment costs Medical Supplies Routine Surgery Supplies Doctor Fees Surgeon + Anesthesiologist + Assistant Surgeon (if necessary)

Хирургия геморроя

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Пластика грыжи

6,600 - 12,600

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The Package Includes: Up to1 days of hospitalization. operating room charges: recovery room, scrub & circulate nurse Routine laboratory tests necessary for the procedure as ordered by the attending physician
Radiology Studies: Chest X-ray, if required Medications: Routine medication used for procedure and during admission only
Equipment costs Medical Supplies Routine Surgery Supplies Doctor Fees Surgeon + Anesthesiologist + Assistant Surgeon (if necessary)


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Биопсия легких

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Ампутация молочной железы (мастэктомия)

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Лапароскопическая спленэктомия

19,500 - 22,000

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The Package Includes: Up to 5 days of hospitalization. operating room charges: recovery room, scrub & circulate nurse Routine laboratory tests necessary for the procedure as ordered by the attending physician Radiology Studies: Chest X-ray, if required Medications: Routine medication used for procedure and during admission only
Equipment costs Medical Supplies Routine Surgery Supplies Doctor Fees Surgeon + Anesthesiologist + Assistant Surgeon (if necessary)

Операция по удалению селезенки

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Открытая спленэктомия

23,200 - 26,000

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The Package Includes: Up to 8 days of hospitalization. operating room charges: recovery room, scrub & circulate nurse Routine laboratory tests necessary for the procedure as ordered by the attending physician Radiology Studies: Chest X-ray, if required Medications: Routine medication used for procedure and during admission only
Equipment costs Medical Supplies Routine Surgery Supplies Doctor Fees Surgeon + Anesthesiologist + Assistant Surgeon (if necessary)
Виды лечения Стоимость

Рак желудка (желудок)

25,500 - 28,000

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The Package Includes: Up to 10 days of hospitalization. operating room charges: recovery room, scrub & circulate nurse Routine laboratory tests necessary for the procedure as ordered by the attending physician Radiology Studies: Chest X-ray, if required Medications: Routine medication used for procedure and during admission only
Equipment costs Medical Supplies Routine Surgery Supplies Doctor Fees Surgeon + Anesthesiologist + Assistant Surgeon (if necessary)

Рак толстой кишки

18,500 - 21,000

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The Package Includes: Up to 7 days of hospitalization. operating room charges: recovery room, scrub & circulate nurse Routine laboratory tests necessary for the procedure as ordered by the attending physician Radiology Studies: Chest X-ray, if required Medications: Routine medication used for procedure and during admission only
Equipment costs Medical Supplies Routine Surgery Supplies Doctor Fees Surgeon + Anesthesiologist + Assistant Surgeon (if necessary)

Общая хирургия - любая другая процедура / лечение

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Отказ от ответственности:
Сведения, приведенные на этой странице, были предоставлены Медицинский центр Рамбам  или представители. Последнее обновление: Jun 11, 2018.
Прочтите наш отказ от ответственности. Если вы нашли какие-либо ошибки или пропуски, сообщите нам.

Хирурги общего профиля Персонал - Рамбам

Проф. Йорам Клугер

Заведующий отделением общей хирургии

Проф. Йорам Клугер

Заведующий отделением общей хирургии

Ахмед Ассалия

Заместитель заведующего отделением общей хирургии

Даниэль Дуэк

Заведующий колоректальной хирургией

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